Conference Presentations
When I speak at a conference and it’s recorded, I’ll add a links here.
For convenience, here’s a YouTube playlist of my conference talks.
Upcoming appearances…
🗺️ Rust Nation UK, London (UK)
ABI Resilience?
Rust in Production Podcast Interview
Season 04 Episode 1: Rust at Microsoft
🗺️ ACCU Conference, Bristol (UK)
Duck-Tape Chronicles: Rust C++ Interop
Rust: Cargo Cult?
🗺️ Rust Week Conference, Utrecht (NL)
Duck-Tape Chronicles: Rust C++ Interop
🗺️ NDC { TechTown }, Kongsberg (Norway)
🗺️ Rust Meetup @ Charles University, Prague (Czechia)
“Shared nothing” architecture
🗺️ ACCU Conference, Bristol (UK)
Symmetry in Code - Should We Care?
Regular Types: From Stepanov to C++ Concepts
🗺️ Meeting C++ User Group, [Online]
Speaking about C++
Panel: Q&A
Interview: “Symmetry in Code” teaser
🗺️ NDC { TechTown }, Kongsberg (Norway)
Unleashing 🦀 The Ferris Within
🗺️ CppCon Conference, Aurora, CO (USA)
So You Think You Can Hash
🗺️ EuroRust, Vienna (Austria)
Unleashing 🦀 The Ferris Within
🗺️ Meeting C++ Conference, Berlin (Germany)
Symmetry in Code - Should We Care?
💡Abstract 🎞️Interview 📜Slides 🎞️Video
🗺️ Rust/C++ Meetup @ Charles University, Prague (Czechia)
Rust and C++ interop introduction & discussion
💡Event Rust 💡Event C++ 📜Slides 🎞️Video
🗺️ Computer Science Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Open4Tech Guest Lecture: Iterative Design For Performant Code
💡Abstract 📜Slides 📷Pictures 🎞️Video
🗺️ Microsoft Perf & Reliability Tech Talks, Redmond (US)
Tuning SQLite Workflows
🗺️ ACCU Conference, Bristol (UK)
And Then() Some(T)
The Imperatives Must Go!
Spooky Action at a Distance
🗺️ Core C++, Tel Aviv, Israel
The Imperatives Must Go!
🗺️ C++ on Sea, Folkestone, UK
C++ MythBusters Strike 2
🗺️ CppNorth, Toronto (CA)
And Then() Some(T)
ADSP Podcast Interview
Episode 140: 🇨🇦 CppNorth Live - Victor Ciura, Ben Deane, Vincent Zalzal, Tristan Brindle, Andreas Weis
🗺️ C++ Prague Meetup, Prague (Czechia)
C++ Myths, Dogma and Practice
🗺️ NDC { TechTown }, Kongsberg (Norway)
C++ MythBusters Strike 2
🗺️ CppCon Conference, Aurora, CO (USA)
Regular, Revisited
🗺️ C++ Prague Meetup, Prague (Czechia)
Casting Out Code Goblins: ASan’s 🎃 Halloween Guard
🗺️ Meeting C++ Conference, Berlin (Germany)
Swift ABI Resilience
Regular, Revisited
🗺️ code::dive, Wrocław (Poland)
Swift ABI Resilience
🗺️ Computer Science Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Open4Tech Guest Lecture: C++ Myths, Dogma and Practice
🗺️ Computer Science Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Open4Tech Guest Lecture: Memory Safety - Static vs Dynamic Analysis
💡Abstract 📜Slides 📷Pictures 🎞️Video
🗺️ Meeting C++ User Group, [Online]
Spooky Action at a Distance
🗺️ ACCU Conference, Bristol (UK)
C++ MythBusters
Remove This Idiom
🗺️ Visual C++ Tech Talks, Redmond (US)
Spooky Action at a Distance
🗺️ C++ on Sea, Folkestone, UK
C++ MythBusters (Plenary)
🗺️ CppCon Conference, Aurora, CO (USA)
The Imperatives Must Go
C++ MythBusters
🗺️ Meeting C++ Conference, Berlin (Germany)
The Imperatives Must Go
C++ MythBusters
🗺️ code::dive, Wrocław (Poland)
C++ MythBusters
🗺️ Computer Science Department, Northeastern University (Boston, US)
Guest Lecture: Chasing Nodes
🗺️ Computer Science Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Open4Tech Guest Lecture: Chasing Nodes
💡Abstract 📜Slides 📷Pictures 🎞️Video
📡 C++ Mythbusting with Victor and Jason, C++ Weekly with Jason Turner
CppCast Interview #2
Episode 285: C++ Mythbusting & Clang Power Tools
🗺️ ACCU Conference, Bristol (UK)
Online event because of COVID-19 pandemic.
AddressSanitizer on Windows
C++ UNIverse
🗺️ C++ Now, Aspen, US
Online event because of COVID-19 pandemic.
The Quest For A Better Crash
🗺️ Advanced Installer Webinar
Repackaging in Docker Containers
🗺️ Italian C++ Conference, Italy
Online event because of COVID-19 pandemic.
The Quest For A Better Crash
🗺️ Computer Science Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Workshop: Open4Tech
So You Think You Can #
🗺️ C++ on Sea, Folkestone, UK
Online event because of COVID-19 pandemic.
Exceptional C++
🗺️ Meeting C++ User Group, [Online]
C++ 🎓 UNIverse: Teaching C++
🗺️ CppCon Conference, Aurora, CO (USA)
Exceptional C++
Spooky Action at a Distance
🗺️ Meeting C++ Conference, Berlin (Germany)
Exceptional C++
🗺️ CPPP Conference, Paris (France)
Exceptional C++
🗺️ MUC++ User Group Meetup, München (Germany)
Spooky Action at a Distance
🗺️ Advent of Code Meetup, Craiova (Romania)
Pure Functional Patterns in AoC
🗺️ CAPHYON ⚡ Lightning Talks, Craiova (Romania)
Crazy Machines, Crazy Developers 📜Slides
Heavy Lifting 📜Slides
🗺️ Computer Engineering Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Workshop: “Using C++/STL for Competitive Programming and Software Development”
STL Algorithms - Principles and Practice
💡Abstract 📜Slides: P1 P2 📷Pictures
🗺️ MVP Global Summit, Bellevue/Redmond (US)
Online private event because of COVID-19 pandemic.
It’s people. Software is made out of people
🗺️ ACCU Conference, Bristol (UK)
Cancelled because of COVID-19 pandemic: Info
Avoid Success at All Costs
C++ UNIverse
🗺️ Computer Science Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Workshop: Open4Tech
C++17/20 STL Essentials (online)
🗺️ C++ on Sea Conference, Folkestone, Kent (UK)
Rescheduled online because of COVID-19 pandemic: Info
Avoid Success at All Costs
🗺️ CppCon Conference, Aurora, CO (USA)
Online event because of COVID-19 pandemic.
2020: The Year of Sanitizers?
🗺️ Meeting C++ Conference, September 24th
Online event because of COVID-19 pandemic.
2020: The Year of Sanitizers?
🗺️ Meeting C++ Conference, December 3rd
Online event because of COVID-19 pandemic.
Symbolism: Rainbows and Crashes
🗺️ C++ on Sea Conference, Folkestone, Kent (UK)
Better Tools in Your Clang Toolbox: Extending clang-tidy With Your Custom Checks
🗺️ Computer Engineering Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Workshop: “Using C++/STL for Competitive Programming and Software Development”
STL Algorithms - Principles and Practice
💡Abstract 📜Slides: P1 P2 📷Pictures
🗺️ ACCU Conference, Bristol (UK)
Regular Types and Why Do I Care ?
Fighting Git Workflows
🗺️ Computer Science Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Workshop: Open4Tech
Curry On Functional Programming
🗺️ CAPHYON ⚡ Lightning Talks, Craiova (Romania)
FP in 10 📜Slides
The beginning of the end for begin & end 📜Slides
🗺️ NDC { TechTown }, Kongsberg (Norway)
A Short Life span<> For A Regular Mess
🗺️ CppCon Conference, Aurora, CO (USA)
A Short Life span<> For A Regular Mess
🗺️ Meeting C++ Conference, Berlin (Germany)
A Short Life span<> For A Regular Mess
🗺️ code::dive, Wrocław (Poland)
Status quo: clang-tidy & AddressSanitizer on Windows
A Short Life span<> For A Regular Mess
🗺️ ACCU Conference, Bristol (UK)
Bootstrapping a Local C++ User Group
🗺️ C++ Russia Conference, Saint-Petersburg (Russia)
Enough string_view To Hang Ourselves
🗺️ NDC Oslo Conference, Oslo (Norway)
Enough string_view To Hang Ourselves
🗺️ Oslo C++ Users Group Meetup, Oslo (Norway)
Clang Power Tools for Visual Studio C++ Developers
🗺️ Computer Science Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Workshop: Open4Tech
Pregatirea Interviurilor si Prezentarilor Tehnice
🗺️ CAPHYON ⚡ Lightning Talks, Craiova (Romania)
C++Insights 📜Slides
Compiler Explorer 📜Slides
QuickBench 📜Slides
Programming Typography 📜Slides
🗺️ CppCon Conference, Bellevue, WA (USA)
Enough string_view To Hang Ourselves
Regular Types and Why Do I Care
These Aren’t the COM Objects You’re Looking For
Better Tools in Your Clang Toolbox
🗺️ Meeting C++ Conference, Berlin (Germany)
Regular Types and Why Do I Care
These Aren’t the COM Objects You’re Looking For
🗺️ Computer Engineering Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Workshop: “Using C++/STL for Competitive Programming and Software Development”
STL Algorithms - Principles and Practice
💡Abstract 📜Slides: P1 P2 📷Pictures
Lecture: “So You Think You Can Hash”
🗺️ CppCon Conference, Bellevue, WA (USA)
Bringing Clang-tidy Magic to Visual Studio C++ Developers
10 Things Junior C++ Devs Don’t Get
🗺️ Meeting C++ Conference, Berlin (Germany)
Bringing Clang-tidy Magic to Visual Studio C++ Developers
CppCast Interview
Episode 128: Clang Power Tools with Victor Ciura
🗺️ Computer Engineering Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Workshop: “Using C++/STL for Competitive Programming and Software Development”
STL Algorithms - Principles and Practice
💡Abstract 📜Slides: P1 P2 📷Pictures
🗺️ Computer Science Department, University of Craiova (Romania)
Workshop: Open4Tech
C++ STL - Principles and Practice
💡Abstract 📜Slides: P1 P2 P3 P4 📷Pictures